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missmonroe247,Miss Mo,roe Massage Parlor,tantra,tatra-lingam massage,erotische massage
missmonroe247,miss monroe massage parlor,tantra-lingam massage,tantra,lingam erotische massage,lingam massage

Miss Monroe Massage Phone

Call 0487461093

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If i don't pick up the phone, i am busy.Try again a little later or leave me a message with your phonenumber and i call you back if you want me to .

You can call me between 7 am and 11 pm. Don't call me at night between 11 p.m.and 7 a.m. Puhleassseee !! I am not a vampire, i sleep or rest at night.

Some people think i answer the phone 24/7.and keep on calling me all night long ..Once..twice ,etc...Then they become angry and leave me a crazy message: 

"Why the hell i don't pick up the phone or call them back a.s.a.p" ???

Excuse me but....this Massage Doll is for real and needs sleep :) By the way my phone goes in the closet for a nap aswell at night..charge battery just like me :)


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